One year when Harley (early 70's) Davidson put on a big show at Daytona they rented all of the lobby and one big room at the Daytona Hilton and put all their new bikes in the lobby area and the room was used for their racing stuff...We were invited to bring the Double and put it on display, we didn't get in the room for the HD racers, they put me and the Double at the end of this long/wide hall way that led to that room, my bike and I were just in front to the side of the big door that went into the race room...Al and Bobby Unser (Indy Car Drivers) were the big attraction, signing pictures and posters...everybody that came down that hall way stop to get the same from me and ask question and it held up the crowd from the Unser and they got really mad and wanted me out but Harley wouldn't do it...AMF/Harley had some sponsor money in the Unsers...
Saying that, they had a big get together on the parking lot Saturday evening, drinks and food...and they had a special guest, Roy Clark...He stood around in his cowboy suit with a drink in his hand and greeted the people...I remember I shook his hand and told him how much I liked his music...the next day I was told it wasn't the real Roy Clark, it was an impersonator...
Another weekend in the career of Granddaddy Joe Smith and how his main sponsor, Harley Davidson put it over some people...