My Father,
Saying that has nothing to do with Motorcycles or Drag Racing, he did neither, I don’t think he ever rode a Motorcycle…But he had such a hard life becoming who he was that I can’t do anything but admire and love him very much…
Born in the State of Kansas when it was a time of hardship all over the Midwest, well before there was a Financial Crash, when a Dollar was worth just that and would buy Bread, Milk, and other staples that would feed you for three or four days, what made the hardship was earning that Dollar…Most jobs he had paid a Dollar a day at that time, but he continue to tough it out and feed his family…
As the years past and I grew into Manhood he taught me many things, he was an Auto Mechanic his whole life, his last years of work was for the School District repairing their School Busses…
After I became interest in Motorcycle Drag Racing he encouraged me in every thing I did at the start and through out my Career…He was so well like and known at Irwindale Raceway that when he showed up at the gate into the pits they would said to him, “Joe’s already inside go on in”…He was never charged to get in at Irwindale and he was there every day or night that I was testing or racing…He love to stand by the fence about the 1000 foot mark and would always tell me how the motor sounded when I past that point…
He’s been gone now for a long time but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of my
Smitty, is what every one called him…